BETON! Taylor Swift are un nou record. Nimeni n-a mai reușit asta de 10 ani!

Taylor Swift e de neoprit! Artista bate record după record, iar acum a mai reușit o performanță. Cel mai nou album e cel care i-a adus satisfacție de data aceasta.

BETON! Taylor Swift are un record de UN MILIARD de like-uri. Uite ce performanţă a reuşit!

Publicat: 10 iulie 2015, 10:58
De- New York, NY - 12/12/14 - Z100's Jingle Ball 2014 - Live Show. -PICTURED: Taylor Swift -PHOTO by:Kristina Bumphrey/Starpix -Filename: KBU_14_29359322.JPG -Location: Madison Square Garden Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages.