Prea intim. 13 vedete care au apărut în public în lenjerie

Pare greu de crezut, dar vedetele arată uneori de parcă au ieșit din casă exact așa cum s-au trezit sau de parcă n-ar avea destule haine în dulap. Unora chiar nu le pasă cum apar în public sau își propun efectiv să creeze un trend.

Publicat: 11 martie 2020, 20:32
Prea intim. 13 vedete care au apărut în public în lenjerie
DeLos Angeles, CA - Miley Cyrus gets completely naked and rolls around in candy in the music video for her new single Midnight Sky. Miley stripped off in her new self-directed music video for Midnight Sky as she confirmed she had amicably split from Cody Simpson following a ten-month romance. However, she also revealed her latest song is about her break-up from ex-husband Liam Hemsworth, who she split from in August 2019 after less than a year of marriage but nearly a decade of being together on and off. Despite the recent break-up and the song being about her ex-husband, Cody still took to his Instagram Story to congratulate Miley on her release, writing: "So proud of you. Congratulations to the most special of all." The sexy video begins with Miley, clad in a Chanel black bathing suit and nylons with holes in them, running diamond-studded gloves over her legs. She takes the stage draped in red neon light as it's revealed that Cyrus herself directed the music video herself, which cuts to shots of her in a mustard-colored blouse and black leather pants in a mirrored elevator. The singer then writhes around on a bed of candy wearing nothing but a belt and heels and some costume jewellery before also flashing her breast under a 80s style dogtooth jacket. The lyrics reveal it's clearly a break-up song, though Miley revealed in an interview with Zane Lowe of New Music Daily on Apple Music that it was about her split with Hemsworth, who she was with off and on for a decade. "Talking about 'Midnight Sky, specifically, I felt like my story and my narrative had kind of been told for me over the past year. Obviously, I went through an extremely public breakup and, even more than that, a divorce, and with someone that I had been with for ten years," she said. "That narrative and that experience of ten years was told for me by one day from the eyes of a helicopter. I felt kind of villainized. It felt like I would rather be able to articulate this experience in a poetic way that also I can put back into my art. I never really have engaged. Again, talking about growing pains, I really had to deal with kind of the loss of my home in Malibu. I had to deal with the loss of a love in my life." *BACKGRID DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY BACKGRID ARE FOR BACKGRID'S SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CONVEY TO THE USER ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE MATERIAL. BY PUBLISHING THIS MATERIAL , TH BACKGRID UK 14 AUGUST 2020,Image: 552543208, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES, Model Release: no

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