Post Malone a făcut senzație la „The Tonight Show” cu dantura lui din aur. Toată lumea vorbește despre asta!

Post Malone a început să revină la pasiunea lui pentru muzică și este mai activ ca niciodată. În urmă cu ceva timp, Posty a trecut pragul esteticianului dentar și nu s-a uitat deloc la bani atunci când a ales noile bijuterii pentru dinții lui. Mândru de investiția sa, artistul și-a etalat deja dantura în emisiunea lui Jimmy Fallon.

Publicat: 15 mai 2022, 22:13
Post Malone a făcut senzație la The Tonight Show cu dantura lui din aur. Toată lumea vorbește despre asta!
DeLos Angeles, CA - Dad-to-be Post Malone reveals his most important parenting goal, as he appears on The Tonight Show. Post Malone has some rock star goals for being a parent. Less than two weeks after fans learned he and his girlfriend are expecting their first child, the rapper opened up about the kind of father he hopes to be. Malone told host Jimmy Fallon: "People ask me like: 'Oh, what do you want to be as a dad?' Just kindness is the most important thing for me." The Circles star has not publicly shared his girlfriend's identity and has kept details of their relationship private. Post Malone certainly has a lot of reasons to celebrate. In addition to getting ready to be a dad, the nine-time Grammy nominee is the musical guest on the May 14 episode of Saturday Night Live, which will be hosted by Selena Gomez, and is getting ready to release his new album Twelve Carat Toothache on June 3." For the longest time, I lost my passion for making music. I lost that drive," he said. "But then there was this one moment that snapped - because it's been three years just about - and one moment that snapped and said: 'You know what? This is why I'm here and this is what I wanna do. This is what I was meant to do was make medium music for people to enjoy.'" However, Fallon insisted the artist deserved more credit than that, quipping: "I'd say medium well." recalled his early days covering Dylan's music on YouTube and coyly revealed he's "been chatting" with the legendary 80-year-old singer-songwriter as of late. Post Malone then admitted he's a huge Dylan fan and even has a tattoo inspired by his music, which led Fallon, 47, to wonder if the two artists have ever met each other. "I have not met Bob Dylan, but we have been — I don't know how much I'm at liberty to discuss, but we've been chatting," Post Malone slyly revealed. "We've chatted… He kind of slid in my DMs." Without offering any more details about their conversation, Post Malone said speaking with Dylan is "incredible" and further detailed his fandom. "Just growing up and listening to music, and every music, and he's always just been a voice in my head," he explained. "Always appreciated the music and appreciated the songwriting." Earlier in the show Malone faced off against Fallon in a drinking game where they had to knock back shots if they lost the round where they had to try and outsmart each other picking the opposite of the other in a Tinder-esque swipe left or right game. *BACKGRID DOES NOT CLAIM ANY BACKGRID UK 13 MAY 2022,Image: 691068375, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES, Model Release: no, Pictured: Post Malone, Credit line: Profimedia

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