Tu ai fost vreodată blocat de vreo celebritate pe rețelele sociale? Acestea sunt toate motivele pentru care ți-au dat block sau ți-ar putea da…la un moment dat:
Ashley Tisdale: „Ashley Tisdale blocked me when I called her out for an all lives matter tweet by saying that’s why Troy chose Gabriella.”
R. Kelly: „I asked R. Kelly was he the man urinating on people in the subway.” The fan got blocked and never got an answer.”
Cardi B: „Cardi B tweeted that she was so lucky her man was going to get her some Chick-fil-A on a Sunday night and I told her to go follow him cuz they were closed.”
Khloé Kardashian și-a blocat un fan după ce i-a dat comentariul: „her pops is coming home.”
Usher: „cuz I said you should make another confession and confess about the herpes.”
Nicki Minaj i-a dat block undei fane, pentru că i-a spus că se gândește numai la ea
Madonna and Solange: „Madonna and Solange blocked me. I dont even know why lol.”