HOT! Nicole Scherzinger are videoclip NOU! Vezi „Bang”!

Nicole Scherzinger e în flăcări în poate cel mai incitant videoclip lansat de cântăreaţă în 2014. „Bang” e piesa pe care o promovează cântăreaţa, melodia fiind extrasă de pe albumul „Big Fat Lie”.

Publicat: 15 decembrie 2014, 11:27
DeA racy return! Nicole Scherzinger shows off her killer legs in skimpy leather hotpants in video for new track Boomerang She's been opting for a demure look of late, choosing elegant gowns over the skimpy ensembles she used to favour during her days as a Pussycat Doll. But Nicole Scherzinger returned to her racy roots in the video for her brand new single, Boomerang. Ensuring her incredible figure got maximum exposure in the raunchy shoot, the 34-year-old singer paraded her killer legs in a pair of barely-there leather hotpants.