Beyoncé cântă despre bătaia dintre Jay-Z şi Solange din lift! Ascultă „Flawless” ft. Nicki Minaj

Scandalul dintre Jay-Z şi Solange a făcut înconjurul lumii, dar nici cei doi şi nici Beyoncé nu au avut nicio reacţie oficială. Au apărut mai multe fotografii care trebuiau să demonstreze că problemele au dispărut şi atât.

Publicat: 4 august 2014, 9:55
DeBeyonce, Jay-Z and Solange Knowles were seen leaving the Met Gala After Party at the Boom Boom Room in the Meatpacking District.

Pictured: Jay-Z , Beyonce, Solange Knowles

Ref: SPL752015 060514
Picture by: Splash News

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Beyonce, Jay-Z and Solange Knowles were seen leaving the Met Gala After Party at the Boom Boom Room in the Meatpacking District.

Pictured: Jay-Z , Beyonce, Solange Knowles

Ref: SPL752015 060514
Picture by: Splash News

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666